Cradle Region Tourism Strategy
Cradle Regional Tourism Strategy
Cradle Coast Authority
Integration of tourism product across regions and clusters is a central tenant of tourism
planning in Tasmania. Inspiring Place worked in close cooperation with the partner organisation of the Cradle Coast Authority and tourism operators to: identify the key selling points of the region as a destination; develop strategies for market positioning and effective branding; coordinate collateral; and identify infrastructure, product, business development programs and other support mechanisms.
Inspiring Place formulated local tour route plans that co-ordinated product and infrastructure development, product presentation, marketing, and desired visitor experiences, with the aim of spreading tourism benefits across the region.
The strategy also looked at how all the stakeholders, whilst having varied roles and resources, could best contribute to achieving the potential benefits – socially, economically and environmentally – by taking an integrated approach to regional tourism planning and development.
The Cradle Coast Authority has been successful in leveraging significant investment by the State and Federal governments for further study, product development and training off the back of the Strategy illustrating the importance of clearly articulated plans in gaining funding for projects.
Photography: Jordan Davis